Staking, minting, earning


Stake $SUT Tokens or SUT-SOL LP to earn Plasma Points. Plasma points will not be tradable. With Plasma Points, you can mint rare NFTs called Origin SUTeps. There will only be a LIMITED number of these available.

What’s staking?

Staking your $SUT tokens means that you place them in a smart contract that in turn generates Plasma Points for you. These Plasma Points can then be used to mint NFTs.

Where can I get SUT?

Orcaswap or Jupswap as an SPL token.

What’s the difference between the $SUT pool and the SUT-SOL LP pool?

Single-staking $SUT gives you access to 25% of the Plasma Point pool, while staking in the SUT-SOL LP pool gives you access to 75% of the Plasma Point pool.


Whoever has the biggest stake gets the most Plasma for each block. Lock your stake for longer and it will count as a bigger share.

How are Plasma shares calculated? Interstellar warfare

You receive your share depending on your pool weight (your stake vs. the total amount staked), how long you lock it, and which pool you choose. It depends on those three factors:-Pool chosen -Your amount staked vs. total amount staked -Locked or flexible staking.

The $SUT single-stake pool holds 25% of the pool, while the SUT-SOL LP pool holds 75% of the total pool. A user can choose flexible or locked staking. Flexible staking allows you to withdraw your stake at any time. However, if a user chooses locked staking, they will earn up to 2x more Plasma Points.

How many Plasma points are there in total?

Currently, there are 10,000,000 Plasma Points. The rate of emission is dynamic.


Spend Plasma to mint Genesis NFTs, characters needed to play Interstellar warfare.

How many NFTs do I need to play?

You only need one NFT to play. It can be a Genesis-, Alpha- or Beta UFOep.

How many NFTs are available?

Only 10,000 Genesis NFT will be available. However, the amount of Alpha- and Beta UFOeps depends on how many are fused in the breeding lab.

Can I buy an NFT?

Yes. Players decide this market. They will be buyable in our marketplace from players that auction them.

Last updated