New Genesis NFT Lore

Physical — The Myronox Soldier

Myronox is a principled soldier and master of Super Galactic’s ancient martial arts. A true disciple of The Myriad Soldier and UFoger himself, he utilizes his pure physical force to overcome any obstacle. He has dedicated his life to defending Super Galactic against anyone who would disturb its divine balance with his fellow soldiers. Those who overlook his contemplative calm will contend with his legendary fiery fists. Myronox is more than a simple robot; he is a receptacle for the primitive Super Galactic animal spirits’ unrestrained power. With elements and traits such as fire, electro, and toxic already engaging in battle, UFoger felt the need for pure brute strength. He had no choice but to ask the Myriad Soldier for help to train Myronox. After all, you never can get enough of brute force in open warfare with an onslaught of demons. Myronox can summon unfathomable speed, resilience, and savage fury by harnessing bestial natures. Strong as a bear, quick as a tiger, and sly as a fox. Myronox’s united force will thwart all those who would disrupt the world’s natural order. He’s an unadorned robot with a plain mission; Beat all of his enemies to a pulp, and smile at them while you’re at it.

Fire Class — The Incendius Soldier

Born in flames, the Incendius Soldier is a droid that you don’t want to enrage.

This enraged robot of fire and wrath roams the Super Galactic world, engulfing any surrounding enemy in his flames. This second-generation Soldier is known by everyone as Incendius the dreadful. UFoger and the first-generation were desperate to create a droid suitable to kill whatever stood in their way. However, they did not consider him to mistake them as his foes. You see, Incendius really did not care who he hurt. He only wanted victory. It did not matter who he won against. All that matters is that he is triumphant. Incendius lashed out with exploding flames, cursing his old master and every other living creature that stood in his way of triumph. UFoger and the Myriad Soldier narrowly escaped with their life.

Incendius has led an anarchic life for ages since that day, stealing and never returning anything to the Super Galactic realm, or his creators. He sometimes streaks over the skies like a blazing fire. He lays low and charges at other times, waiting for the distinct sight of demons to guide him to another triumph… Only a few people in Super Galactic can rival his force.

Electro Class — The Lumina Soldier

Lightning, thunder. Lumina is not shy about lousy weather. After helping the first generation and UFoger defending the world from the second invasion, Lumina had grown weary of the Super Galactic world, and all the fighting. Super Galactic, a chaotic world undergoing continual upheaval, was a harsh place for a droid like Lumina. He journeyed in search of peace and balance. He traveled huge distances, exploring the world with great interest. However, he was always lured back to Super Galactic. Lumina had learned through his travels that conflict is unavoidable. However, he is hopeful of finally putting an end to it. He had observed long-forgotten ancient conflicts and a nation fighting to recover in their wreckage. Lumina developed an interest in those who sought balance for themselves and their planet. He respected their dedicated defenders, despite their vulnerability. Despite fighting the second wave of invasion, there were dangers to Super Galactic’s peacefulness. Malevolent demons wandered the realm with sinister intentions. Lumina and Veilinos fought these demons for years, relishing the excitement each one offered, but in the end, they realized they were doing nothing to address the root cause of the invasions. Together with the other Genesis NFTs, Lumina seeks to stop evil from spreading. Laser Class —

The Zegoc Soldier

A lone tale as ancient as the Realm of Super Galactic’s first piers, the armored Zegoc prowls the dark seas off the shore. Driven by unforgivable treachery, she attacks without warning with an instant laser beam to save the destitute and pull the greedy to their demise. She is compelled to seek out those who disregard his warfare methods, dragging them under with her — a stark warning that no one can escape the laser beams. Although it is unknown if The Zegoc Soldier was the first robot with Laser power to appear on Super Galactic, there has undoubtedly never been anyone with her degree of vicious, calculated sentience. While UFoger created his brethren to oppose evil, the battle has absorbed Zegoc, transforming her into a more reactionary force, intent on scrutinizing and studying the physical realm — and the weird, warlike people who inhabit it — for any flaw the Darkness may exploit. Zegoc, is far from a passive spectator, retaliating against threats with lethal plasma or by altering the very fabric of the Super Galactic.

Toxic Class — The Veilinos Soldier

The Veilinos Soldier is a deadly droid capable of inflicting poisons on any opponent, leaving them gasping for air. Veilinos’s past is unknown. All we know is that he has an immense infatuation with the Lumina soldier and his electric power.

Second Electro Class — The Zutrori Soldier

The Zutrori Soldier is the second Electro class. Zutrori, is unquestionably the standout of the bunch. The Zutrori Soldier is an NFT with a lot of aspirations. It doesn’t matter if you’re one of the most powerful creatures in the galaxy; she’ll know what to do if you cross her.

The wild and untamed region denizens known as the Super Galactic realm quickly grew enamored with this strange, electrified, and oily robot. She is said to be able to fight mystic creatures and bosses by herself, using her electric cannons to penetrate their impenetrable skin. The Zutrori Soldier will come and put you to everlasting rest, the devils’ mutter between themselves in the Super Galactic domain.

Second Laser Class — The Voxis Soldier

Camouflaged and ready, the Voxis Soldier is hard to beat in a fight. Voxis’ evolutionary journey is drawing to a close. She achieved complete self-sufficiency when she resolved to carry out her original objective independently of her creator, UFoger, and Dophrax. Inspired by the first-generation Genesis NFTs, Voxis is a more potent version, embedded with strong abilities, such as a laser. Many have claimed that despite her continuous efforts to assist and preserve the Super Galactic realm, the laser-soldier has started to augment her own form to create utterly self-sufficient machinery. With her Laser abilities, she disintegrates demons in only a moment.

Second Fire Class — The Speytri Soldier

The fiery volcanoes of the Super Galactic world are no match for the Speytri Soldier. What was once the reason for his defeat is now his greatest power. Speytri’s first meeting with the Super Galactic demons was nothing short of a nightmare. Drowned in the pits of lava, his destiny was thought to be sealed. But he survived. The only reason Speytri was able to survive his first mission was due to his sheer resolve and perseverance in the face of the Super Galactic devils’ volcanic weapons. Magma that previously brought him to his knees is now flowing freely through him as he progresses in the game. However, the impact he felt was long-lasting. Because of his background, he has become a cold-blooded shooter.

Second Physical Class — The Valan Soldier

Tough as a tank, the Valan soldier beats demons strapped with a punch. Valan has looked up to his brother his whole life. Every step he took, he was right behind, following his journey. As a result, his abilities are almost identical to Myronox. Much like his brother, the Myronox Soldier, he may conjure unfathomable speed, resilience, and primal anger by channeling bestial natures. As tough as a bear, as swift as a tiger, and as cunning as a fox. Valan’s unified army will stop all those who want to destroy the natural order of the Super Galactic realm. Unified by the forces of nature, Valan packs a serious punch.

Second Toxic Class — The Vivius Soldier

Most of the other Genesis NFTs, with the exception of Incendius and Vivius, have a sense of emotion towards biological life. Vivius simply does not care. With zero emotion, he spews toxic venom all around him, hoping to obliterate demons in the most painful manner. When you meet Vivius on the battlefield, remember to bring a gas mask…

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