Enemy Lore


​Vexfiend is a monstrous predator that infested the SUF realm intending to destroy any living thing in the realm. As he kills, he absorbs their power. His ultimate goal is to kill and devour the Genesis SUTeps.In his frail and famished state, Vexfiend came across the SUF realm. Living beings were tiny and easily defeated. Vexfiend sought out and hunted the most hazardous living creatures he could locate.He became more powerful after each passing day.Unstoppable in his belief, Vexfiend viciously hunted his victims.However, one day his destiny would change.A terrifying robot called the Genesis SUTep with guns, and sharp weapons rushed into him, damaging him severely. He first felt his blood flow as Vexfiend was shot and ultimately defeated.Vexfiend burned with eagerness as his wounds healed, imagining destroying someone strong enough to equal his power. He got back on track with increased confidence to look for stronger competition.But nothing quite got him like the Genesis SUTeps.


​Origin: “Unknown”.

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